I’m very happy you are visiting and so thrilled to share this month’s photograph for our monthly blog circle project in which some talented artists joined forces to choose and post a capture that speaks to our heart.
The reason I picked this one is, first because these are my kids hanging out in the most beautiful fall scene with a gorgeous sunset/twilight light during a recent family camping trip, and secondly because just by looking at it I remember that right moment in which she started to talk about her plans for her upcoming 5th birthday party (this mama is crying about the 5 part) to her brothers who patiently heard all about the unicorns, cupcakes, her dress, decorations (add the word pink before each thing on the list) that she wanted to have. To finish up the whole story I must say that a few seconds later she was left talking to herself and they were throwing stones to the lake. 🙂
Time flies and photography helps to bring memories back to life. I’ll cherish this one for ever. Now, if you click right HERE you can see Jenn’s beautiful work and follow the circle along with us. Thank you for being there!