A session with a family that values memories and that I’ve seen growing through my lens. test
As a Houston Area and Katy Texas family photographer, I’m used to not getting the best weather most of the time during the busy season.
Fall here is not yellow and orange with sweater weather for the most part.
Last weekend was not exception. It was as hot as it could be. We almost reschedule, but decided to go ahead and do it.
And I’m so glad we did it!
My clients where all smiles with a carefree attitude, the light was gorgeous, and we had a location all to ourselves. I call that a win!
I love to let go technical perfection when the moment itself is perfect
If you ever stress over the fact that your kids might not cooperate, please don’t! Just be open to wait for the moments we both are looking for. Patience is such an important skill to develop when photographing kids.
And if you’ve had your family session taken with me, you know I love a nice portrait. I strive to find the moment to capture a natural organic expression. we got several portraits of these kiddos, so no detail is ever forgotten.
and we made time to play around too…
Thankful for this family trust in my work. I have the honor to photograph them yearly and It means more than I could ever explain, the fact that they keep choosing me as their family photographer.
And thank YOU for reading and visiting!